Bearbeiten von Cyclocamp2011:Experiences

Bearbeiten von Cyclocamp2011:Experiences


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Zeile 38: Zeile 38:
Before the camp the Bikekitchen consented to take the risk of up to 1000 euros. (I do not know what would have happened if the camp made more loss than that).<br />
Before the camp the Bikekitchen consented to take the risk of up to 1000 euros. (I do not know what would have happened if the camp made more loss than that).<br />
Luckily we did not need this. We spend 2000 euros all together - so much more than we expected- but got it all back in with the donations for the drinks. The whole thing was more or less balanced.<br />
Luckily we did not need this. We spend 2000 euros all together - so much more than we expected- but got it all back in with the donations for the drinks. The whole thing was more or less balanced.<br />
We covered the costs (power, insurance, toilets, various materials) mainly by the donations beverages (though also donation based we suggested recommended donations for the various drinks, e.g.: beer 0,5 liters: 2 euros).  
We covered the costs (power, insurance, toilets, various materials) mainly by the donations beverages (though also donation based we suggested recommended donations for the various drinks, f.ex: beer: 1,50 euros).  
donations for food covered the expenses for the food not bombs group. the food part was financially seperated from the rest.
donations for food covered the expenses for the food not bombs group. the food part was financially seperated from the rest.

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