Bearbeiten von Cyclocamp2011:Experiences

Bearbeiten von Cyclocamp2011:Experiences


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Zeile 7: Zeile 7:
But it was important to make the application for using the area early enough: Means six month before the CC(!) That´s because areas for free are very often used by other associations etc. too.
But it was important to make the application for using the area early enough: Means six month before the CC(!) That´s because areas for free are very often used by other associations etc. too.
Most important point in the application were the expected numbers of visitors, the sound level and some extra toilets. Of course they want to know what happens in that week - feel free to write anything like a program:)
Most important point in the application were the expected numbers of visitors, the sound level and some extra toilets.
Requirements differ depending on the number of visitors: in our case it was below 300 people and rather easy going.
Requirements differ depending on the number of visitors: in our case it was below 300 people and rather easy going.

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