Bearbeiten von Cyclocamp2011:Experiences

Bearbeiten von Cyclocamp2011:Experiences


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Zeile 44: Zeile 44:
The festival area was quite far away from vienna, so we had the fortune to get  support by a local culture initiative, which hosts an annual music festival at the same place.  
The festival area was quite far away from vienna, so we had the fortune to get  support by a local culture initiative, which hosts an annual music festival at the same place.  
We benefited from their experiences in terms of the necessary cooperation with local authorities. They knew where to purchase needful things (e.g. fire wood, etc.), supported us with technical knowledge and provided us with a fully equipped music stage. They were also helpful in getting in contact with local individuals for additional support. Addresses of farmers can be very helpful if it gets to questions of food or heavy transports.
We benefited from their experiences in terms of the necessary cooperation with local authorities. They knew were to purchase needful things (e.g. fire wood, etc.), supported us with technical knowledge, and provided us with a fully equipped music stage. They were also helpful in getting in contact with local individuals for additional support.
Alltogether cooperation, and the general acceptance by the local community and the local authorities was essential for the cyclocamp in ottensheim.
Alltogether cooperation, and the general acceptance by the local community and the local authorities was essential for the cyclocamp in ottensheim.
== what the bikekitchen vienna can offer to the next group ==
== what the bikekitchen vienna can offer to the next group ==
the homepage is a blog and rather easy to use. we pass this on to the next group(s)!
the homepage is a blog and rather easy to use. we pass this on to the next group(s)!
contact us via for the data you need to continue!
contact us via for the data you need to continue!

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