Bearbeiten von Cyclocamp2011:Experiences

Bearbeiten von Cyclocamp2011:Experiences


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Zeile 33: Zeile 33:
As we weren´t able to make really fix times for the daily gathering - which was thought to be before the meal - and as we thought, we would have another breakfast ability we ended with no really fix eating-time and worse: no breakfast. Don´t risk that! Coffee is essential for a CC!
As we weren´t able to make really fix times for the daily gathering - which was thought to be before the meal - and as we thought, we would have another breakfast ability we ended with no really fix eating-time and worse: no breakfast. Don´t risk that! Coffee is essential for a CC!
But the VoKue did best. I´m still impressed of their hot-water heater which worked as a wood stove. They blowed it on the second day and checked another one (for free) the next day. Still impressed from their contacts to the local farmers.
But the VoKue did best. I´m still impressed of their hot-water heater which was actually a wood stove. They blowed it in the second day and checked another one (for free) the next day. Still impressed from their contacts to the local farmers.
== finances ==
== finances ==

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