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Zeile 24: Zeile 24:
* the BK and tools and parts have some value. if you use the tools or parts please consider that and give some value back. we appreciate help in many kinds
* the BK and tools and parts have some value. if you use the tools or parts please consider that and give some value back. we appreciate help in many kinds
** <u>help:</u> you can disassemble bikes, clean and sort parts, fix tires or [[Dienste|help out at the bar or the workshop]].
** <u>help:</u> you can disassemble bikes, clean and sort parts, fix tires or help out at the bar.
** <u>donations in kind:</u> we appreciate donations of parts and tools, bring them or call us so we can pick them up.
** <u>donations in kind:</u> we appreciate donations of parts and tools, bring them or call us so we can pick them up.
** <u>donations in money:</u> we have to pay rent and energy and need to replace tools and consumables. to cover these expenses you will find a donation box in the BK.
** <u>donations in money:</u> we have to pay rent and energy and need to replace tools and consumables. to cover these expenses you will find a donation box in the BK.

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