Bearbeiten von Cyclocamp2011:Home

Bearbeiten von Cyclocamp2011:Home


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Zeile 12: Zeile 12:
the Cyclocamp should provide do-it-yourself (DIY) bicycle repairshops with an opportunity to reflect upon themselves, learn from other DIY-bicycle repairshops and have fun together. we feel the need to (inter)connect with projects similar to ours, learn from other experiences and make friends for trips and other projects.
the Cyclocamp should provide do-it-yourself (DIY) bicycle repairshops with an opportunity to reflect upon themselves, learn from other DIY-bicycle repairshops and have fun together. we feel the need to (inter)connect with projects similar to ours, learn from other experiences and make friends for trips and other projects.
the festival should be completely '''[ self organized]''', there should be no "orga-team" providing necessary [[Infrastructure_cyclocamp|infrastructure]] or dominating the discourse and it should be as cheap as possible, no profit should be made. The festival area is free and all necessary work should be done by ourselves. For the rest of costs we think about collective fundraising such as a merchandising stand.
the festival should be completely '''[ self organized]''', there should be no "orga-team" providing necessary [[Infrastructure_cyclocamp|infrastructure]] or dominating the discourse and it should be as cheap as possible, no profit should be made. The festivalarea is free and all necessary work should be done by ourselves. For the rest of costs we think about collective fundraising such as a merchandising stand.

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