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Zeile 37: Zeile 37:
* building of a ramp to jump into the Danube
* building of a ramp to jump into the Danube
* "the different Triatlon" (race downstream the river in the river, carrying it over some barriers and riding back on land)
* "the different Triatlon" (race downstream the river in the river, carrying it over some barriers and riding back on land)
* floatrace (float down the river with your bike  / ride it back on land)
* tallbikejousting
* tallbikejousting
* rodeobikeriding
* rodeobikeriding
Zeile 47: Zeile 46:
* movie-screening one evening  (warriors, bikewars ... whatever people want to see)  - peter
* movie-screening one evening  (warriors, bikewars ... whatever people want to see)  - peter
* Critical Mass in Linz...Critical mass starts Fr, 29. July, 16:30 in Linz, main square:  
* Critical Mass in Linz...Critical mass starts Fr, 29. July, 16:30 in Linz, main square:  
* but does it float competition (welding waterskielements to the bike / driving the bike into the danube at full speed / and trying to glide on the watersurface as long as possible)
all activities shoud be organized by groups participating even though groups from close should provide [[Infrastructure_cyclocamp|infrastructure]] such as tools, welding equipment, kitchen, refrigerators, junkbikes, sound-systems; Please click on the link to add [[Infrastructure_cyclocamp|infrastructure]] items and what you can provide.
all activities shoud be organized by groups participating even though groups from close should provide [[Infrastructure_cyclocamp|infrastructure]] such as tools, welding equipment, kitchen, refrigerators, junkbikes, sound-systems; Please click on the link to add [[Infrastructure_cyclocamp|infrastructure]] items and what you can provide.

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